36 CHAMBERS OF SHAOLIN featuring LIVE RZA Remix in LA (Sold Out)
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36 CHAMBERS OF SHAOLIN featuring LIVE RZA Remix in LA (Sold Out)

36 CHAMBERS OF SHAOLIN featuring LIVE RZA Remix in LA (Sold Out)

RZA of the Wu-Tang Clan will be performing live a custom soundtrack to Lau Kar-leung’s 1978 masterpiece 36 CHAMBERS OF SHAOLIN at the Egyptian Theatre October 10, 2016 7PM as a part of Beyond Fest.

Sorry it took me so late to post, it appears to be sold out.  However, it sounds like they will have a standby line at the theatre.


starring Gordon Liu, Lo Lieh / directed by Lau Kar-leung

action by Lau Kar-leung

Considered one of the most quintessential kung fu movies of all time that inspired a million imitators, 36 Chambers redefined the genre.  It’s a story about San Te (Liu), a young revolutionary who escapes to the Shaolin Temple in the hopes of learning kung fu to avenge his friends and goes through all the chambers learning the art of Shaolin kung fu.

Presented by El Rey?  Of COURSE it is.  These guys rule.

Get tickets and info here

Egyptian Theatre
6712 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90028 Map (323) 466-3456

Know of any kung-fu movie screenings and/or events in LA? Please twitter me @legendaryweapons or comment below! I have only just started trying to showcase all events here.

Aaron Andersen

Aaron Andersen is the creative director of Legendary Weapons of LA. He's a designer, animator and avid fan of kung fu cinema.

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